Scientific Name of Mynah | Maina ka vaigyanik name |मैना

Scientific Name of Mynah | Maina ka vaigyanik name | मैना


Scientific NameCommon NameHindi Name
Acridotheres tristisMynah ( मैना ) मैना – [Maina]

"मैना " "Gk Jankari" is Provide General Knowledge Question or GK Like "साइंटिफिक नाम ऑफ़ मैना " "Scientific Name of Birds" or Botanical Name of Birds"मैना का वैज्ञानिक नाम " Gk Jankari is tell about Mynah What is the Scientific Name of Mynah, or Botanical  Name of  Mynah, "Maina ka vaigyanik naam" Color of the Mynah is Brown Black hindi Name of Mynah is "Maina","Scientific Name of Maina" Gk Jankari

Scientific Name of Mynah | Maina ka vaigyanik name |मैना  Scientific Name of Mynah | Maina ka vaigyanik name |मैना Reviewed by Prashant Jain on 03:31:00 Rating: 5
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