Scientific Name of Mango | Aam Ka Vaigyanik naam

Scientific Name of Mango Aam Ka Vaigyanik naam

Scientific NameCommon Name
Mangifera indicaMango

The king of the fruits  mango fruit is one of the most popular, nutritionally rich fruits with unique flavor, fragrance, taste, and heath promoting qualities, making it  among new functional foods, often labeled as “super fruits
Mango is one of the delicious seasonal fruits grown in the tropics. The tree is believed to be originating in the sub-Himalayan plains of Indian subcontinent. Botanically, this exotic fruit belongs within the family of Anacardiaceae, a family that also includes numerous species of tropical-fruiting trees in the flowering plants such as cashew, pistachio etc. 
"Aam Ka Vaigyanik naam"

Vitamins in Mango

Mango fruit is an excellent source of vitamin A, carotene pigments, vitamins and potassium.

Mango fruit should be avoided in the diet in individuals on warfarin therapy. Allergic manifestations after eating raw unripe mango is common.
Scientific Name of Mango | Aam Ka Vaigyanik naam Scientific Name of Mango | Aam Ka Vaigyanik naam Reviewed by Prashant Jain on 08:42:00 Rating: 5
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