Scientific Name of Apple

Scientific NameCommon Name
Pyrus malusApple

About Apples

Apple- king of all fruits have long been associated with the biblical story of Adam and Eve. Between the Caspin and the Black Sea, the fruit was originated in the Middle East just about 4000 years ago! It is one of the most favorite and popular fruits ever known. As with the well-known adage "An apple a day keeps a doctor away" the fruit has been doing much good to people who are health conscious. In addition, even the fitness freaks prefer having this wonderful nutrient packed fruit. By all aspects, the fruit is indispensable. Apart from health care and nutrition, it is also known for medicinal values. While the study of apples health benefits dates back to early stages, research to date suggests that its nutrients may play a role in promoting human health in a number of ways.

Nutrition Facts
Good source of soluble and insoluble fiber

Vitamin C enriched

Contains heart-healthy potassium

B-complex vitamins (riboflavin, thiamin, and vitamin B-6) 

Contains Polyphenols which includes flavonols (especially Quercetin, but also kaempferol and myricetin), catechins (especially epicatechin), anthocyanins (if the apples are red-skinned), chlorogenic acid, phloridizin, and several dozen more health-supportive polyphenols nutrients.

Delicious and crunchy apple fruit is notable for its impressive list of phyto-nutrients, and anti-oxidants. Studies suggest that its components are essential for optimal growth, development, and overall wellness.

The nutrients present in apple are unduly present in the skin, which is the most valuable part of the fruit with respect to its nutrient substance.

Scientific Name of Apple Scientific Name of Apple Reviewed by Prashant Jain on 09:01:00 Rating: 5
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