Scientific Name of Capsicum (कैप्सिकम) Bell Pepper (बेल पीपर) | Shimala Mirch ka vaigyanik name | शिमला मिर्च

Scientific Name of Capsicum (कैप्सिकम)  Bell Pepper (बेल पीपर)  | Shimala Mirch ka vaigyanik name | शिमला मिर्च



Scientific NameCommon NameHindi Name
Capsicum annuumCapsicum (कैप्सिकम), Bell Pepper (बेल पीपर)शिमला मिर्च [ Shimala Mirch ]

"Capsicum (कैप्सिकम)"  What is the "Scientific Name of Capsicum " (कैप्सिकम)   "Shimala Mirch" "Shimala Mirch ka vaigyanik naam" " शिमला मिर्च " " शिमला मिर्च का वैज्ञानिक नाम""  "GK Jankari" is provide General Knowledge Question or GK all type of Gk Question Like Scientific Name of Vegetable or Scientific Name of Fruits what is the Scientific name of  Capsicum (कैप्सिकम), Bell Pepper (बेल पीपर)   "Capsicum" "(कैप्सिकम) "  ka "vaigyanik name"  What is the Color of Capsicum (कैप्सिकम)   Color of  Capsicum (कैप्सिकम)   is Green,Yellow,Red or Hindi Name of  Capsicum (कैप्सिकम) is "Shimala Mirch" "शिमला मिर्च"

Scientific Name of Capsicum (कैप्सिकम) Bell Pepper (बेल पीपर) | Shimala Mirch ka vaigyanik name | शिमला मिर्च Scientific Name of Capsicum (कैप्सिकम)  Bell Pepper (बेल पीपर)  | Shimala Mirch ka vaigyanik name | शिमला मिर्च Reviewed by Prashant Jain on 08:58:00 Rating: 5

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