Scientific Name of Banana | Kele ka vaigyanik naam | केला

Scientific Name of Banana  | Kele ka vaigyanik naam | केला

Scientific NameCommon Name

"Gk Jankari" is provide "General Knowledge" about "Banana" "What is the Scientific Name of Banana" Gkjankari is tell about general knowledge about Scientific Name of Fruits
"Gk Jankari" is provide General Knowledge Scientific Name or Botanical name  केला "Kele ka vaigyanik naam" of Vegetable or Fruits Gk Jankari is tell about Banana, Scientific Name of Banana, Or Botanical Name of Banana, "Banana" ka "vaigyanik naam"  केले    and What is the Hindi Name of  Banana Hindi Name of Banana is "Kela"  GK Jankari. "केला का वैज्ञानिक नाम"

Scientific Name of Banana | Kele ka vaigyanik naam | केला Scientific Name of Banana | Kele ka vaigyanik naam | केला Reviewed by Prashant Jain on 06:58:00 Rating: 5
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